SOWGAND***** (go back »)

September 5 2007, 11:25 PM

Don't you just hate those people who bother you 24/7?

The ones who are like, "OMG (insert name here)" like every second?

The one who act all "to cool for you" by wearing A&F tops?

Um. Yeah. All of the above is about Sowgand; the probably most stupid-est person I know to set foot on this planet. You only need to know that she's ugly, stuck-up, rich, spoiled, wannabe, and absouletely has no idea what's going on. What kind of name is Sowgand anyway? It should be like Slutgand or something. Or Slowgand, is more like it.

She's always trying to impress the "opposite gender" with weird ways. Like, the time after-schol when she got into a fight with my BFF, Lola, by hitting her and throwing her backpack into the dumpster just to impress this group of boys watching. Is she going THAT far just to become cool and fabulous?

Like, today for example. School just started and dear Sowgand got this really trashy air-cut so her freaky brown hair was cut above her ears so she looks like some sort of desperate prude or something. Me and my group of friends were waiting at the benches after school usually, and Sowgand was seated next to my friend, Lauren, on the benches.

I took this moment to trash her status and make fun of her.

"OMG SOWGAND YOU COPIED MY CLOTHING STYLE," I bellowed to her, pointing at her Abercrombie casuals which I usually wear.

"You're a slow runner, Bryyy," Sowgand shot back. You know for some reason, I wasn't really offended. I mean, I know I'm a slow runner, if I wasn't, I would probably be doing track or something right now rather than argueing with her. "Well I knowwww, why are you telling me?" "You're a slow runner," she told me again. What the heck?

"Remember one time we ran together and you got like ten minutes on the mile? I usually get seven minutes," she bragged loudly.

I got even more angrier.

"You don't wear a BRAAA," I nearly shouted. Everyone near looked at Sowgand. I dunno if it's true, but everytime we change for gym, she's always wearing this weird white undershirt top for guys or whatever.

"Yeah I do!" Sowgand argued.

"Even I wear a bra," one of my best friends, Akansha said, "at this time, girls are supposed to wear bras."

Everyone started laughing in her face, and luckily, Sowgand's car came and she left in a hurry.


Well. That was fun; trashing Sowgand on the internet!


Ha ha, I love that name. Peach. Actually, me & my friends have this thing where we name our crushes after foods or random objects.... it's kind of like, our THING. Past names we've had are: Zipper, Paperbag, Chocolate Chip, Popcorn, Waterbottle, Apple, Kangaroo, Casper(the ghost, xD), Zipper the Second, Milk, Cake, Strawberry, Pizza, and junk.

And let me remind you, I do not have THAT many crushes..... O_o

My current ones are: Peach(OMG), Moose & Yogurt. xD

Peach is some random guy who I just discovered was in my gym & elective class.... he's new but hes like sooooo hawt. I mean, he drums. And he has nice handwriting. And..... he's HAWT! We don't have many encounters except for one time when I was walking out of math, and was holding my binder and my Sidekick out at the same time. I knew that Peach was in front of me and I was trying to open my sidekick but instead my binder dropped, along with my Sidekick. He turned around, looked at my sidekick, and he said, "Sidekick" to me. Whatever. At least he said something to me. Akansha created the name, Peach! =0

Other people like Moose and Yogurt; I hardly know Moose but he's in half of my classes and he's pretty cute and sweet; and Yogurt... we were in summer-school for like forever and we always talked & were partners for everything. I think it's just good if we stay friends....

um. Yeah.


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oh my gonchos.

Posted by acidqueen on Sep 29, 07 9:07 pm

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  • Female
  • 14 years old


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